Monday, November 17, 2008

G20 Meeting a Non-Event, Depression Full Speed Ahead (1)

I’m afraid many of the New World Order conspiracy theories will have to be laid to rest after this weekend’s G20 meeting. Worldwide coordination of anything other than a rate cut here and there will never fly. Not even the power of the dark side is sufficient to get substantive agreement among the G20. So, what came out of this weekend’s meeting? Pretty much nothing. But, you ask, no new world currency, no new North American currency, no revaluation of the price of gold, no renegotiation of trade agreements, no dropping the US$ as the world’s reserve currency? Nope, nothing. However, based on their recent track record, this was probably the best outcome.

1 comment:

FollowTheMoney said...

As usual a government team rushing to the graves. I'm not surprised at all that nothing came out of this meeting.