Thursday, December 4, 2008

Five Useful Websites in these Hard Times

Today's article isn't about the Fed, unless you think it's responsible for all our problems, as many do.

We’re in for some really tough times. Prepare as though a major hurricane, a war even, is coming your way. It is.

Here are a few practical websites to help you prepare:

This site has a List of 100 Things that will Disappear. What makes it better than some of the others with the same list is that it also has forum comments suggesting other items that should be included.

What if my bank fails? Both the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, and the Chairwoman of the FDIC, Sheila Bail have warned that there will be more bank failures. This site, provides answers to questions about your various bank accounts. This information will change from time to time depending on who or what is being bailed out.

Why beat around the bush: we're in a severe recession and will soon be in a depression. Here’s a great blog by a young father and husband in Argentina. He’s been living through economic collapse and hyperinflation for several years and has great day-to-day living advice.

So far this year more than 1.5 million people have lost their jobs. This site addresses your emotional and physical health, as well as answering questions related to searching for a job.

If you have lost your health insurance or expect to, this site, answers questions about all sorts of insurance in addition to health.

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