Monday, December 1, 2008

Startling News from the Fed and Economic Wrecks from Around the World

The derivatives time bomb that Warren Buffet warned about several years ago has exploded. Here’s how it’s playing out around the world.

From the US:
The Fed:

“Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke acknowledges he was wrong in believing that there would be limited fallout to financial markets from risky mortgages that soured after the housing market's collapse.” ***Is this possible? Not his admission of having been wrong, but that he really didn’t know? I knew. Since you’re reading BlownMortgage you knew too*** ''I and others were mistaken early on in saying that the subprime crisis would be contained,'' Bernanke says in an article in the December 1 issue of The New Yorker magazine. The causal relationship between the housing problem and the broad financial system was very complex and difficult to predict,'' he said in the piece titled ''Anatomy of a Meltdown.''

***Actually no, it wasn’t hard to predict at all. One thing has followed the other in—guess what—predictable fashion. The blogosphere has been plotting the course of the meltdown with stunning precision for a few years***

Almost as an aside, as of early this week, the Fed has now spent, guaranteed or promised about $8.5 trillion. This is up from $4.3 trillion on November 19, which was up from $3.8 trillion on October 31. And now we know that this spending is based on the judgment of someone who thought subprime could be contained.

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